Bug #69372
Updated by sugi vithyashini about 2 years ago
Description: Record not displaying in dashboard if directly save and submitted.
steps to follow:
1. Go to waste collection
2. click on add button
3. Select against direct, template None
4. Enter bin details and save and submitted
5. Go to waste management - verify record appear and status completed
6. Now go to waste collection transfer
7. select against collection, add driver details
8. click on add button
9. select same record
10. then save and submit
11. successfully save and submit but not displaying in the dashboard.
12. In waste management screen, status for respective record change to close.
Actual: record against direct/template/ schedule will not display in transfer dashboard if directly save and submitted. but display in dashboar dif save only then approve from the dashboard.
Expected: User should be able to view the record in dashboard if directly save and submitted.
*Record not showing in the dashboard*